Past Adult Education Materials. Download and print as needed.
Study Discussions
January 16: 2 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians addresses Jesus' return, and our need to remain faithful, reminding us that what we hope for shapes what we live for.
January 9: 1 Thessalonians
In this letter, Paul celebrates the church's future hope as they remain faithful to Jesus and flourish in their faith despite persecution.
December 26: Compromise or Faithfulness?
How do we avoid compromising our faithfulness to Jesus when we're under stress and in pain?
December 19: Experiencing Jesus' New Creation
December 12: Sharing the Attitude of Jesus
December 5: Life and Peace in God's Family
November 28: Who Is Right?
November 21: Resurrection Hope and Purpose
November 14: Good News Spreading Like Fire
November 7: The Suffering Servant
October 31: Jesus the "I Am"
October 24: Upside-Down Kingdom
October 17: Light of the World
October 10: Who Do You Say I Am?
What does it really mean for Jesus to be the messianic King? Is it glory, peace, and power?
October 3: The Baptism of Jesus
September 26: Treasured by God
September 19: Who Does God Choose to Work Through?
What kind of person does God choose to work through most often? Can he work through us?
September 12: Is God Inclusive?
Ezra and Nehemiah weren't exactly model characters for godliness and reform. So what can we learn from their stories?
September 5: There's Hope in the Nightmare
August 29: Learning How to Grieve from Lamentations
August 22: What God Does About Suffering
August 15: Promise for New Hearts
God's people have failed over and over again. Will there ever be a day when we get it right?
August 8: The Deep Anguish of God
Why is there so much anger and violence in the Old Testament prophets? God sends Jeremiah to give rebellious Israel his final warning. But the people refuse to listen. Despite the resulting tragedy, hope persists
August 1: Water of Life (same as September 27, 2020)
This week we'll look at moments where God meets his people in the desert, where all of life's comforts and securities have been stripped away.
July 25: What Good News Looks Like
The book of Isaiah outlines Israel and the nations' coming judgement while pointing to the future hope of a new covenant and the coming Messiah. How is God at work in the world today?
July 18: Micah
Micah describes God's coming judgment on Israel, but it also outlines God's promise to be merciful and restore his people to the land.
July 11: Psalms and Poetic Metaphor
Understanding poetic metaphor used by the biblical authors to communicate complex ideas will help us read biblical poetry with more insight.
July 4: What God Wants from Us
Why does God want a relationship from us? We take a look at Hosea who is sent by God to warn Israel of coming judgement and compel them to repent.
June 27: Message of the Prophets
Isaiah announces that God's judgement will purify Israel and prepare his people to the coming messianic king and new Jerusalem.
June 20: God's Mercy on Our Enemy
Through satire and intricate storytelling, the book of Jonah invites readers to consider God's compassion and mercy that extends to us and our enemies.
June 13: Wisdom Series--How God Replies to Job's Sufferings
How do you trust God when life isn't fair and good people suffer? See the surprising answer to this question in the book of Job.
June 6: Wisdom Series--Ecclesiastes
In this week's Bible Study, we reflect on the profound wisdom found in the often misunderstood book of Ecclesiastes.
May 30: Wisdom Series--Proverbs
Proverbs is a collection of wisdom from generations of godly people. Dig into this book made for a lifetime of reading and contemplation.
May 23: Redeeming Disappointment
May 16: Book of Psalms
May 9: How to Read Biblical Poetry (with Psalm 8)
Why is there so much poetry in the Bible? Understanding the function and cultural significance of poems in Scripture is key to seeing the Bible's message.
May 2: Faithful Through Failure
April 25: When You Feel Powerless
April 18: How God Treats His Enemies
In today’s Bible study, we’re learning from Ruth, a woman who came from a nation that violently opposed God’s people.
April 11 When We Walk Out on God
The book of Judges has a lot to tell us about what happens when we turn our backs on God. God is just, but he is also compassionate.
April 4: Easter Sunday
This week we celebrate that two thousand years ago, Jesus claimed victory over sin and death and rose from the dead. He is our everlasting hope.
March 28: Joshua & Making Sense of Divine Violence
The book of Joshua is a reminder of God's faithfulness and his call for us to be faithful to him.
March 21: Understanding Ancient Law
March 14: God's Wisdom on Display
Why did God give his people so many rules? Today we’re reflecting on the wisdom and purpose of God's commands.
March 7: Trusting God in the Wilderness
February 28: Sacrifice and Atonement
In this week’s Bible Study, we’ll reflect on the concept of becoming “living sacrifices” in response to Jesus’ ultimate act of sacrifice.
February 21: Leviticus
February 14: Rescued for a Purpose
February 7: When We Cry Out
How does God respond when his people cry out to him? We take a closer look in Exodus 3.
January 31: Strength
January 24: Gospel
January 10: Temple
For this week’s Bible Study, we’re inviting you to reflect on what it really means to be a unified temple of God.
December 20: Agape/Love
The word “love” is one of the sloppiest words in our language, as it primarily refers to a feeling that happens to a person. In the New Testament, “love” refers to a way of treating people that was defined by Jesus himself: seeking the well-being of others regardless of their response.
December 13: Chara/Love
In this video, we explore the unique type of joy to which God’s people are called. It’s more than happy mood, but rather a choice to trust that God will fulfill his promises.
December 6: Luke
We explore the amazing events surrounding the birth of Jesus. The humble conditions of his family and their low status in Israelite society foreshadow the upside-down nature of Jesus’ kingdom.
November 29: God
November 22: Peace ("Shalom")
November 15: Love ("Ahavah")
November 8: Shema
November 1: Character of God
October 25: Iniquity
October 18: Transgression
October 11: Sin
October 4: Hope
September 27: Water of Life
September 20: Sabbath Rest
September 13: Generosity